Upcoming Events

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2025 A Night of Hope Gala

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2025 | 6:00 PM


Join us for an unforgettable evening at A Night of Hope Gala, celebrating the powerful theme, "Everyone Has a Story.” Hosted by A Door of Hope, this inspiring event unites our community to bring hope and healing to children in crisis by providing loving, Christian foster homes in West-Central Florida. The night includes social hour, live and silent auctions, and an inspiring program highlighting local foster families. This event is open to anyone interested in getting involved with the foster care cause.

Info Sessions & Parenting Classes


Every month we hold info sessions either in person or via Zoom. This is the first step in the foster parent journey.

Our vision is to provide a Christian home for every child in crisis. When you attend an info session as a new prospective foster parent, we help you understand what this calling entails both from physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects. We provide coaching and support through the entire licensing process.

Find out more by attending an Info Session! There is no cost and no obligation – it is simply the first step in your journey to discover more about Christian foster care.



After completing an Info Session, attending foster parenting classes is the next step in the foster parent journey.

These classes prepare you to become a foster parent and are required by the state in order for you to be licensed. They are held online or in person at a local church and are led by our very own licensing specialists.

If you have completed an info session and are ready to attend a parenting class…