Our Team

Sarah Weaver


Sarah Weaver is a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, and earned a bachelors degree in family and consumer sciences with a minor in business management and biblical studies. She has extensive experience in event management, network marketing, brand innovation, multimedia communications, and creative design.

Sarah married her hometown and college sweetheart, Joshua.  She has been serving at churches alongside her husband who was in church ministry for over a decade and now serves in a social services ministry fighting for the fatherless and families.

Sarah and Joshua have been foster parents since May 2016 and accredit their family’s development to their Savior and A Door of Hope as the vessel.  They adopted their three beautiful children, Harrison, James, and Emmie May in August 2018 and continue to foster.

Sarah also founded The Give Joy Collective, a nonprofit that serves foster children and the families and professionals that serve them across Florida with their signature programs Christmas for Fosters and Magical Moments!

Some of her passions include consuming as much Korean food as possible, going to Disney World with her family, essential oils, and all things enneagram (3w2).